Lina Dawood is 18 and is from Iraq. She has grown up with the reality of the Iraqi war around her and has seen the devastation. Yet she still has faith. We were privileged enough to meet her and hear her story about growing up in Baghdad through the war and poverty. ‘When the fighting began, I didn’t understand what […]
Against all the Odds… How God is Transforming Turkey
19th August 2011 Esin* (name changed for security) is a professional Turkish woman working in the media. She is also a passionate Christian who has a heart to see the Turkish church grow according to God’s grace. In a recent conversation with her she talked about what God is doing with the small but growing Turkish Church. Lying at the […]
An Iranian drug dealer transformed through Christ
An Iranian viewer named Reza began calling the Iranian SAT-7 counselling centre. He described himself as a drug dealer, thief and gangster. He said that one night while he was flicking through the TV channels he accidentally came across SAT-7 PARS, and it made him think. The show he was watching was called Noor-e Omeid (“Light of Hope”). It’s a […]
Vicar of Baghdad talks about his heart for Iraqi Christians
Extracts from an interview with the Canon Andrew White who is dubbed the “Vicar of Baghdad” because his church, St George’s, is the only remaining Anglican Church left in Baghdad. (22nd March 2011) I say to people please don’t leave, but how can you say that to people who are being killed? Iraqi Christians are so beautiful, so committed, such […]
Stories of God at work in Egypt
Thanks a lot for this wonderful programme. We pray for the Church, that God will protect it in these hard times. We expect showers of blessings in the coming days. We pray for the unity of the Church and for the families of the martyrs and the murderers as well. Jesus taught us that we should pray for those who […]
Stories of Iranian lives changed
A SAT-7 viewer living in a village in Fars province called to thank SAT-7 for their programmes and asked them to send him a Bible. When the telephone counsellor explained that he can download it from the internet, he replied: “We are villagers and have no idea about the internet. If you send me the Bible, I am happy to […]
Media Ministries are Vital to Christian Witness
Five reasons why indigenous media ministries are vital to Christian witness in the Middle East and why they deserve your increased support By Terence Ascott SAT-7 International CEO and the SAT-7 International Communications Manager Every Christian, wherever he or she may live today, can trace their spiritual roots to the Middle East, to a land where the church was birthed. […]
Who are the Copts?
The Coptic Orthodox Church traces its origins to the first century and is the largest single Christian community in the Middle East. Here His Grace Bishop Angaelos, the General Bishop of the Church in the United Kingdom, introduces us to the history, beliefs and current life of this important church. The Coptic Orthodox Church is one of the most ancient […]