Give your time for a lasting impact

Do you want to see change in the Middle East and North Africa?  God is using SAT-7 to bring about change, and you can be part of it.  By joining the SAT-7 Ambassador team you will enable SAT-7 to continue to make and broadcast transforming Christian TV programmes.  You will be making a lasting impact on the lives of millions.

I’ve enjoyed the extra information that is sent to ambassadors about SAT-7 and have been confident to represent SAT-7 at church. SAT-7 is a very easy mission to support as the resources and media are fantastic. Being able to visit the SAT-7 TV studio was a highlight for me – it was good to meet the real people behind what I have been reading about and praying for.” Susanna Greening, Church Ambassador

As an ambassador I get to meet and interact with SAT-7 staff as well as with other ambassadors. In this way I have gained a fuller picture of the ministry and a still deeper appreciation of it.” John Seawright, Speaker Ambassador

Volunteer with SAT-7!

People have different gifts, experience and amounts of time available.  So, our Ambassador programme is flexible, enabling you to use your skills and allowing you to decide how much time you can give to the work.  We are certain we have a role that will fit you perfectly.

Ask God if He is moving you to join us.  You won’t be joining a faceless organisation; you will be part of a team of great people impacting real lives across one of the most spiritually needy areas of the world.

For volunteering in the UK, whether it’s joining us at conferences or speaking on behalf of SAT-7, please fill our the form below.
Become an Ambassador for SAT-7

If you are interested in serving overseas, SAT-7 has a variety of opportunities at our international headquarters in Nicosia, Cyprus.
Find out more about Short Term Service

Find out more about volunteering as an Ambassador

Fill out the form if you want to chat to someone on our team about how you can get involved.

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