Answers from Jesus
Answers from Jesus
Answers from Jesus
Where do you go when you have questions about your faith? Thousands of people in the MENA are turning to SAT-7 – and like Nicodemus, they want answers to some very big questions.
- The story of Nicodemus from John 3:1-16.
Reflect or Discuss
- If Jesus was physically with you right now, what questions would you ask Him?
- What can we tell about Nicodemus’ heart and mindset from the way he approaches Jesus (v2)?
- Do you think Jesus’ responses were what Nicodemus was expecting?
- By the end of this passage, it is unclear how Nicodemus responded to Jesus’ call to be born again. But take a look at John 7:45-52 and John 19:38-42. What do these passages tell you about the lasting effects of Nicodemus’ conversation with Jesus?
- Pray that SAT-7’s viewer support teams will be filled with Jesus’ wisdom as they answer seekers’ questions. Ask that the Holy Spirit will work in viewers’ hearts and lead them to Jesus.