Prayer is central to all that we do, and your prayers are a vital way to support our work. Will you join us in praying for the people of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and for the work of SAT-7 as we make God’s love visible to millions across the region?
Prayer Diary
Pray for the Middle East every day with our Prayer Diary. Download your copy now and start praying!
If you would like to receive a hard copy in the post, please contact us: or 01249 765865.
Easy-Print Version
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Thank you for your mailings which are like open windows into the Middle Eastern world in which you work. I 'travel' there every morning as I use the prayer diary."
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Latest prayer stories
The Briefing – August 2016
A shock coup attempt in Turkey and its aftermath was this month’s most seismic development. Egypt, meanwhile, saw further local attacks on Christians, while efforts to counter so-called Islamic State pressed ahead in Iraq . A night of madness and […]
New opportunity for SAT-7 to share Christian hope in troubled Turkey
At a time of heightened anxiety in Turkey following the failed 15 July coup, Christian satellite TV broadcaster SAT-7 has been given a new opportunity to offer Turkish viewers words of hope and healing. Just days before the events that […]