Studio Spotlight: The show must go on…

When a “work from home” strategy was announced in March, the studio staff had to reach new heights of creativity and flexibility. Nothing was going to stop the broadcasts.
More than 100 local Christians work in SAT-7’s production studios in Cyprus, UK, Lebanon, Turkey, and Egypt. As each of these places went into their own kind of lockdown, it was not a matter of if but of how the programmes would continue. Quite amazingly, all four of our channels continued broadcasting non-stop.
For the most part, core groups of staff have continued to work in the studios. They have been abiding by local regulations for hygiene, including routine disinfection of all areas, wearing masks and gloves, and distancing. The Egypt and Turkey studios even had detectors installed outside their offices to test the temperature of all entrants; above 37.5C meant “go home”!
Some studios were forced to close completely: London’s SAT-7 PARS studio shut for three weeks in April. Turkey’s SAT-7 TÜRK studio shut for two weeks in May when a family member of one of the crew came down with coronavirus symptoms. Even this didn’t stop the broadcasts! Some repeats, and more “live from home” shows, helped to plug the gaps.
“We are filming all live content from home and broadcasting it on social media as a live stream,” a staff member from Turkey shares. “The feedback is strong. Homemade [a programme to empower Turkish women] is attracting a lot of attention with the presenter filming from home with her husband.” Over in London, the SAT-7 PARS studio equipped the presenter of Question Mark with cameras, lights and microphones so he could present from home!
Many visits and tours from partners and donors have been cancelled, but expert guests have still been able to participate in programmes, albeit through video calls.
SAT-7’s studio staff clearly know how to rise to a challenge!
- Thank God that SAT-7 has been able to continue broadcasting hope-filled TV!
- Pray for God’s blessing on the production team at SAT-7 PARS’ UK studio. Pray that they will find renewed energy for God’s work as they return to more normal working patterns.
- Pray that, despite many donor and partner visits being cancelled, SAT-7’s income will meet all the ministry’s needs in 2020.