2021 marks 25 years since SAT-7’s first-ever broadcast – 25 years of making God’s love visible to millions of people across the MENA. To commemorate, SAT-7 will be hosting a series of online open studio events.
Starting on 31 May 1996, SAT-7 aired just two hours of Arabic-language programmes each week. With very limited equipment and space, it took five hours to film only ten minutes of the first programme!
Looking back to those early, pioneering days, SAT-7 founder Dr Terence Ascott says, “When we first launched, we were hoping to have a full-time channel eventually. But in multiple languages: Arabic, Turkish and Farsi? I thought if we ever managed that it would be amazing. I couldn’t really see how we would get there, but we had to try!”
From just two hours of programming a week, SAT-7 has grown over the last quarter of a century into a network of four channels, each broadcasting 24/7 in three main languages (Arabic, Farsi and Turkish) to an audience of over 25 million people.
“Throughout 2021, we will be looking back over our 25 years of ministry and asking ‘Where are we now?’” says SAT-7 International CEO Rita El-Mounayer. “We’ll also be looking forwards at how SAT-7 can help transform individual’s lives and communities and encourage a new future for the region. It promises to be an exciting year and we so look forward to sharing it with you!”
In place of our usual NETWORK conference, SAT-7 will be hosting a series of online events to commemorate the 25th anniversary. Featuring news from flagship programmes, guest speakers and live studio presentations hosted by channel and office staff, these events will take an inspiring look at SAT-7 past, present and future. More details coming soon!
- Thank God for his faithfulness to SAT-7 over the past 25 years – and SAT-7’s amazing growth from just two hours a week to four 24/7 channels!
- Pray that our annual gatherings such as NETWORK will be able to resume in person in 2022!
- Pray for SAT-7’s founder, Dr Terence Ascott, and CEO Rita El-Mounayer. Ask that He will continue to guide Rita and her team as they lead SAT-7 into the future.
- Pray for the next 25 years of SAT-7! Ask that God’s will is done through through the organisation, and pray that even more people across the MENA will come to know Him.