His struggle to please God brought Fouad* only striving and hatred for those less dedicated. Then he started to reassess everything he had believed in and Jesus broke through. Fouad, a SAT-7 viewer from Algeria, shares his dramatic journey from hate and striving to love and forgiveness.
I am writing with love and respect. I am a member of a prominent Algerian tribe and want to tell you how Jesus changed my life after the events of 9/11.
I was a radical, trying in vain to gain my salvation by deeds. I was born into a fundamentalist family and brought up to hate others. I have witnessed hatred and violence during the 1990s and witnessed how they murdered children and the elderly, raped the women and burnt schools … all in the name of religion!
Dear brothers and sisters, God set my heart on fire and made a revolution in my mind. I was confused with so many questions! Does God order his followers to kill others? 9/11 was the spark that made me decide to rebel against the beliefs of my parents.
Despite the torture and persecution I faced, even from my family, my heart is full of forgiveness and love – which is what Jesus taught me. Hallelujah! Jesus set me free!
*Name has been changed