Our Vision
To see a growing Church in the Middle East and North Africa, confident in Christian faith and witness, serving the community and contributing to the good of society and culture.
Our Mission
To provide the churches and Christians of the Middle East and North Africa an opportunity to witness to Jesus Christ through inspirational, informative, and educational television services.
A Unique Programme Policy
Christianity in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) has an image problem. Although it began in the region, for centuries many countries have had few or no Christians living there and Christianity is often viewed today through lenses of misinformation and complex history. Changing this will take more than preaching. At SAT-7, we want to show viewers that Christianity offers a vibrant way of living borne out of relationship with God and love for neighbour, and is part of the Middle Eastern heritage. In all our programmes we seek to present a true image of the local church, reflecting the reality and diversity of MENA Christians, giving a living witness to Christ. We are committed to doing this through high-quality, attractive television.
There were no models of Christian television for the MENA we could follow, so a new model was needed. The result was our unique holistic approach: television for the whole family and the whole person. SAT-7 programming is entertainment, information, and education. No area of life is left out, because the whole person is loved by God.
Our programme policy was created after many consultations with the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC). This programme policy makes it possible for SAT-7 to work with all denominations, presenting the core messages of Christianity that all churches agree upon. In a nonaggressive way, SAT-7 presents a positive image of what Christianity is.
SAT-7 is:
SAT-7 was created by Middle Eastern Christians in partnership with Christians from around the world. More than 100 Middle Eastern Christians serve the ministry, from the International Council to those who make programmes and manage the operations in Egypt, Lebanon and Turkey. Around 80% of the programmes airing on SAT-7’s channels are made in the Middle East and SAT-7’s broadcasts reach every country in the region.
Our programmes seek to help viewers understand the teachings of Christ and how to apply them in daily life. These programmes allow Middle Eastern Christians to have a voice in society, to strengthen their churches and be living witnesses to Christ for viewers who have no church to attend.
SAT-7’s locally-based producers know what kind of programmes are culturally and politically acceptable. We air programming that seeks to build bridges of understanding between Christian denominations, and between Christians and members of other religions.
We work with the major Christian denominations in the region, giving them a broadcast platform to reach their own societies. We desire to build unity through diversity (John 17:21). Churches that work with SAT-7 all accept the Nicene Creed and the Lausanne Covenant as unifying statements of faith.
SAT-7 seeks to make the highest quality programming. We make significant investments in equipment, talent, training, purchasing and approving programming in order to create compelling content and visuals, and so attract a wide audience.
SAT-7 seeks to minister to the needs of all our viewers at every stage of life and faith. We create programmes for viewers who are seeking basic knowledge about Christianity as well as those who want advanced theological training. We air programmes designed to transform society; holistic programmes that seek to improve the treatment of marginalised groups such as the illiterate, the poor, and those with disabilities.
SAT-7’s values inspire programmes that are making an impact in the lives of millions of viewers. Thousands of weekly responses from viewers demonstrate how God is using SAT-7 to strengthen the Church in the region and bring many people into a close relationship with Him.