Some think of New Year’s resolutions as wonderfully motivating; others think of them as amazingly pointless. Whatever your opinion, goal setting continues to be an extremely popular way to make progress in life. But what if you just don’t know where to start?
“Every woman wants to change for the better, but most are clueless about how,” explains Maggie Morgan, producer of SAT-7 ARABIC programme Needle and New Thread (NNT). “They continue living their lives as they always have, without knowing where to start living an empowered, fulfilled life. We believe that change starts with small practical steps that we undertake every day.”
Recently NNT ran a social media campaign to help female viewers better their lives through daily challenges. “We set out to use social media for campaigns that would empower women to live up to their full potential in freedom, peace and confidence,” says Maggie.
The 30-day campaign, called “Choose Life”, involved videos of NNT presenters introducing personal and social challenges to help viewers to improve their lifestyles. Each day the challenge would present a practical opportunity to make a positive life choice. Some challenges were more practical, such as baking at home or finding more time to exercise; some were based more on relationships, such as expressing love to someone you care about.
The presenters encouraged viewers to acquire new, healthy habits, recognise and shun acquired bad social habits, realise their self-worth and improve their lives.
Over 860 women signed up to the campaign. Comments like this poured in from viewers: “I turned my phone off for four hours. I used this time to play with my son, talk with my husband and eat together.”
- Thank God that so many women took part in the “Choose Life” campaign. Pray that the positive lessons they learned during the campaign will have a lasting impact.
- Pray for the production team of Needle and New Thread, for them to be continually inspired in their creating.
- Pray for the SAT-7 staff who interact with social media users, that they would be filled with God’s wisdom and kindness.