As World Suicide Prevention Day is marked on 10 September, SAT-7 is helping viewers facing mental health crises with counselling and prayer support and sharing programme content that highlights the value of each person.
In the Middle East and North Africa, where many struggle to access mental health support or have negative attitudes towards it,[1] people who are struggling with suicidal thoughts and feelings often do not know where to turn. Thankfully, many viewers have reached out to SAT-7 in their darkest times and found the support they needed. So far this year, over 400 people have contacted our Arabic Viewer Support team with suicidal thoughts and mental health issues, including depression and anxiety.
Our Viewer Support teams are trained in counselling and also offer prayer and spiritual encouragement where appropriate. They work with partner agencies and therapists to refer people who need specialist help.
Aabida, a 21-year-old woman from Algeria, totally lost hope when she was unable to finish her studies. She told SAT-7’s Viewer Support team that she felt her dreams “had vanished in an instant”. This caused a downward spiral, which resulted in repeated suicide attempts.
“I didn’t want anything, and I didn’t dream of anything because I was worried it wouldn’t come true,” she explained. “I lost interest in myself. I didn’t care about anything; I was not eating, not wearing clothes, not going out, and when I saw my friends working and studying, I attempted suicide three times. I despised everything and wished to die.”
Our team emphasised Aabida’s value in God’s eyes, reminding her that His love does not depend on our achievements. “I was evaluating myself only with education and beauty,” Aabida reflected. “I never considered what you said to me before. To be honest, you persuaded me.”
We then sent Aabida a video from SAT-7 ARABIC social media programme My Mirror about personal value, with which she instantly connected. “[The presenter’s] advice is very nice,” she said. “I feel that I am complete, there is nothing missing from me.”
Aabida learned some vital lessons from the video. “You are right; God sees what is in the heart, not what is on the surface,” she commented. Aabida has since sent several encouraging updates. She has started leaving the house more often, noting that her “fear began to fade”. “I wish you had been with me earlier,” she said. “Now I’m relieved, and my heart is calmer than it was before.”
People experiencing mental health crises often need different types of help and support: emotional, psychological, and also spiritual. Ayman, a 22-year-old man from Syria who is currently living in Lebanon, testified to the power of prayer in his fight against suicidal thoughts.
“I am tired of everything and have no money or income,” he said in his first message to SAT-7. “All other men of my age have a car, a home, and a job. There’s no one to help or understand me. I always cry and think of suicide.”
Our Viewer Support team gently explained that death is not the solution Ayman is truly looking for, and that God created him for a purpose. Ayman was interested to hear more and to receive prayer. After praying with our team, he felt different. “This prayer is very powerful. I feel something in my heart, a great relief, and the pain is gone. There’s a new feeling in my body. I feel that I am living a new life. I love you, Jesus.”
In Iran, several viewers have called out to God in prayer for what seems to be a growing suicide crisis in the country. One Iranian woman named Hengameh sees the trend playing out among young people but has also experienced suicidal thoughts herself.
“Dear friends, please pray for the young people in Iran, whom the enemy is drawing to suicide,” her message to SAT-7 began. “I have experienced this personally in the last few days, and I have had a voice inside me telling me to take my own life. Then, yesterday, I received a message from my nephew telling me that he wanted to take his own life.”
Hengameh asked for further prayer. “Please call on pastors and church leaders to pray and intercede in this situation.”
- Lift up to the Lord those who are struggling with suicidal thoughts and feelings, and ask for His intervention and help.
- Pray for wisdom and discernment for SAT-7’s Viewer Support team as they interact with people suffering with mental health problems, that they will know what form of help is most needed in each case.
- Pray for the provision of mental health services in the Middle East and North Africa and that people will feel able to reach out for support.
[1] Mental illness and help-seeking behaviours among Middle Eastern cultures: A systematic review and meta-synthesis of qualitative data – PMC ( See para 3: “Results”