“I thank God for each and every one of you”
This Christmas we want to give a huge thank you to all our supporters. We received this message from a brother in Iran recently, which we simply had to share with you!
“Blessing and greetings to the beloved of the Lord at SAT 7. I thank God for each and every one of you. You are such a blessing to us. You might not totally be aware of the good fruit of your ministry… Or you might be so busy with doing the work of the Lord that may not have enough time to sit down and look at the abundant fruit that this ministry has been bearing. However, in Iran we can witness and see the results. Let me tell you that SAT-7 has been very effective. You have been immensely effective in sharing the Gospel, making disciples, and equipping the saints and so much more. Hallelujah, Hallelujah!
You are a living hope in the darkness. God sees it all, and He is the one who gives good gifts to His servants according to His riches and glory in Christ Jesus to build up His church. Praise God. You are the good and faithful servants of God.
“Dear servants of the Lord, God has blessed you richly by putting you in this position to serve. You are messengers of the Good News in Christ Jesus. You are very valued in God’s eyes. You are the army of peace and reconciliation. You are the light and salt in this dark fallen world. Be strong and persevere. Be thankful even if you are dealing with financial problems. Be thankful that you are disciples of Jesus. God will provide your daily bread, still be joyful that you are Christ followers and you are serving the Lord through this blessed ministry. You are the ambassadors of God in Christ who brings life and salvation to the fallen man.
“His grace is sufficient for us. His grace is indeed sufficient! We have everything in Him. Be glad and rejoice when hardship and persecution come. Be joyful… You are seasoned, pure gold that has gone through the fire. The fire makes you strong and more valuable. Thank you, Lord; thank you, Lord. My beloved friends, hold on to this living HOPE and continue your trust in HIM.”