A quick guide to making a TV show
Most of SAT-7’s programmes are made in the region. Many are made by SAT-7’s own production teams while others are created by trusted partners. They all share the same goals – to be Christ-centred; sensitive to Middle Eastern culture; meet the needs of diverse audiences; and bring change in viewers’ lives.
To do that, each programme passes through a number of stages.
Anyone, from SAT-7 viewer to TV producer, can suggest ideas for new programmes. The ones that sound strong and right for SAT-7 are developed further. Does it fill a gap and address an audience or theme that is missing or needs strengthening? A producer lays out the vision for the project and works with the channel director on how they can make it happen. The idea gets sharpened and, all being well, gets the green light and funding for development.
Shows have to be researched and scripted. Often every episode of a recorded series is scripted in advance so that filming can happen in a short time frame. With live shows, directors and writers draft an outline of themes and script episodes as they are developed and as guests are confirmed.
After careful preparation and rehearsal, filming usually happens over long days in a short time-scale! Many shows have a magazine format and are shot in studio with a specially built set. Most have multiple segments for variety and pace. Live conferences, concerts and church worship are filmed on location.
Most of the editing for live shows, such as choosing interview, documentary or music footage, happens in advance. These segments and programme graphics are dropped in as the show unfolds. In recorded shows, much more happens at the editing stage. It’s a process that takes long but creative hours in the editing suite!
All SAT-7’s satellite TV programmes are sent securely to the network’s Cyprus office. From there, they are sent to a satellite telecommunications company in Slovenia who upload them for airing via three satellite networks. Each satellite has a different regional footprint, enabling SAT-7 to reach viewers in over 25 countries of the MENA.
Many programmes are also streamed online through popular platforms like Facebook and YouTube. And in early 2021, SAT-7 launched SAT-7 PLUS, the first on-demand Christian TV network in the MENA. This is a one-stop TV hub where users can watch programmes from all SAT-7 channels live or choose from back-catalogue programmes, download them and contact our viewer support teams.