Stories of faith from the Middle East
Join SAT-7 Founder Dr Terence Ascott as he tells the exciting story behind his new book, Dare to Believe!
Hear the SAT-7 story and be inspired by the courageous faith of Middle Eastern Christians.

Stories of faith from the Middle East
Join SAT-7 Founder Dr Terence Ascott as he tells the exciting story behind his new book, Dare to Believe!
Hear the SAT-7 story and be inspired by the courageous faith of Middle Eastern Christians.

Stories of faith from the Middle East
Join SAT-7 Founder Dr Terence Ascott as he tells the exciting story behind his new book, Dare to Believe!
Hear the SAT-7 story and be inspired by the courageous faith of Middle Eastern Christians.
Events in 2023
OXFORD, 7 October
Venue: Oxford Community Church, The King's Centre, Osney Mead, Oxford OX2 0ES.
Time: 9.30 arrival for 10.00 start. Finish at 1pm with light lunch provided (donations welcome) between 1-2pm.
EXETER, 14 October
Venue: St James Church, Mount Pleasant Rd, Exeter EX4 7AH.
Time: 2pm - 5pm (arrival and registration from 1.30pm and break for refreshments at 3.30pm)
Venue: Holy Trinity Platt Church
Time: 9.30 (arrival for 10.00 start) - 12.30pm.
Events in 2023
OXFORD, 7 October
Venue: Oxford Community Church, The King's Centre, Osney Mead, Oxford OX2 0ES.
Time: 9.30 arrival for 10.00 start. Finish at 1pm with light lunch provided (donations welcome) between 1-2pm.
EXETER, 14 October
Venue: St James Church, Mount Pleasant Rd, Exeter EX4 7AH.
Time: 2pm - 5pm (arrival and registration from 1.30pm and break for refreshments at 3.30pm)
Venue: Holy Trinity Platt Church
Time: 9.30 (arrival for 10.00 start) - 12.30pm.
Events in 2023
OXFORD, 7 October
Venue: Oxford Community Church, The King's Centre, Osney Mead, Oxford OX2 0ES.
Time: 9.30 arrival for 10.00 start. Finish at 1pm with light lunch provided (donations welcome) between 1-2pm.
EXETER, 14 October
Venue: St James Church, Mount Pleasant Rd, Exeter EX4 7AH.
Time: 2pm - 5pm (arrival and registration from 1.30pm and break for refreshments at 3.30pm)
Venue: Holy Trinity Platt Church
Time: 9.30 (arrival for 10.00 start) - 12.30pm.
Come and hear the exciting story behind Dare to Believe!, the new book by SAT-7 Founder Dr Terence Ascott.
It combines the birth and growth of SAT-7 with Dr Ascott’s exciting personal story of living through civil wars, kidnappings, detentions, and deportation, and also the courageous witness of Middle East Christians.
We’ll be sharing inspiring testimonies from people who are finding joy and faith through SAT-7’s multi-platform media ministry. People like Nasrin from Iran, who told us:
"Many of my questions were answered through your programmes and I’m experiencing a certain peace and joy which I have not experienced before.”
SAT-7 is bringing joy, showing love and strengthening faith in the Middle East and North Africa through faith-filled television programmes and digital media. Come and find out more!

Come and hear the exciting story behind Dare to Believe!, the new book by SAT-7 Founder Dr Terence Ascott.
It combines the birth and growth of SAT-7 with Dr Ascott’s exciting personal story of living through civil wars, kidnappings, detentions, and deportation, and also the courageous witness of Middle East Christians.
We’ll be sharing inspiring testimonies from people who are finding joy and faith through SAT-7’s multi-platform media ministry. People like Nasrin from Iran, who told us:
"Many of my questions were answered through your programmes and I’m experiencing a certain peace and joy which I have not experienced before.”
SAT-7 is bringing joy, showing love and strengthening faith in the Middle East and North Africa through faith-filled television programmes and digital media. Come and find out more!

Dr Ascott said:
I am really looking forward to getting out and sharing about the book, and I hope that people will be inspired as they hear more about God’s faithfulness in the growth of SAT-7. But as much as Dare to Believe! is about the story of SAT-7, it is also about the Church in the Middle East and the explosion of interest in Christianity in places like Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan.
I will be sharing more about how my own faith has been strengthened as I’ve trusted God to provide for SAT-7 and also in seeing Him work so mightily in the lives of many people in this complex region.”
Dare to Believe! Stories of Faith from the Middle East combines the birth and growth of SAT-7 with Dr Ascott’s exciting personal story of living through civil wars, kidnappings, detentions, and deportation, and also the courageous witness of Middle East Christians.
In this excerpt, Ascott recalls the landmark day of SAT-7’s very first broadcast. It was 31 May 1996 when SAT-7’s international board had gathered to watch it together, little realising the immediate impact it would have...
We had not really expected any immediate responses to it – thinking it would take time for people to find a two-hour-a-week Arabic broadcast on a European satellite that otherwise broadcast in Albanian and Romanian, but we did get calls and faxes!
Within minutes of the broadcast’s start, a call came into our Nicosia number. It was from a man in the Arabian Peninsula who was astonished at the programme presenter he had just seen. “What is this channel? I just saw a woman wearing a cross around her neck and speaking Arabic!” Here was someone who did not even know Arabic-speaking Christians existed!
When we started, we wondered if anyone would be willing to take the risk or go to the expense of making an international phone call to get in touch with us. Up to this point, none of the international radio ministries had offered a phone number to their audiences and instead relied on mail. In the coming days, we were astonished at the number of people who were willing and wanted to make international calls to speak to us.
The partners – especially those interested in programme production or audience relations – met immediately following the 31 May board meeting. We had workshops on each topic, trying to distribute responsibilities across the group. This was when our Swedish partner, TV-Inter, offered to get more involved in the children’s programming and our Paris-based partner, Life Agape, with the audience follow-up. In the coming months, a lot of new doors opened for us.
We were amazed to watch how SAT-7 actually being on-air changed people’s attitudes. People who, before, gave us words of encouragement but did little to try to help us, now wanted to be engaged, coming forward with offers of practical help. I had experienced the same thing twenty years earlier when I was involved in the launch of Huwa wa Hiya (“He and She”), a newsstand magazine for Arab youth. Once the magazine hit the newsstands, people saw that the vision was no longer an optimist’s dream of what could be but a God-given reality, and they wanted to be a part of it.
Now, people were flocking to us – clergy who were ready to write or present teaching programmes, Christian musicians, would-be producers, counsellors who wanted to offer their services to counsel our viewers, camera operators, technicians, and many more. But we were still in the early stages of growth and our infrastructure could not keep up. Typical of this challenge was when we hired a cameraman in Beirut before we even owned our first camera!

Dare to Believe! is available from publishers Wipf and Stock, Amazon, and on Kindle.
Find out more: www.TerenceAscott.com
Dr Ascott said:
I am really looking forward to getting out and sharing about the book, and I hope that people will be inspired as they hear more about God’s faithfulness in the growth of SAT-7. But as much as Dare to Believe! is about the story of SAT-7, it is also about the Church in the Middle East and the explosion of interest in Christianity in places like Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan.
I will be sharing more about how my own faith has been strengthened as I’ve trusted God to provide for SAT-7 and also in seeing Him work so mightily in the lives of many people in this complex region.”
Dare to Believe! Stories of Faith from the Middle East combines the birth and growth of SAT-7 with Dr Ascott’s exciting personal story of living through civil wars, kidnappings, detentions, and deportation, and also the courageous witness of Middle East Christians.
SAT-7 UK has a limited stock of the large format paperback edition at a special discounted price of £15 including p&p for existing supporters. (RRP US$30)
Dare to Believe! Is also available from publishers Wipf and Stock, Amazon, and on Kindle.
Find out more: www.TerenceAscott.com
In this excerpt, Ascott recalls the landmark day of SAT-7’s very first broadcast. It was 31 May 1996 when SAT-7’s international board had gathered to watch it together, little realising the immediate impact it would have...
We had not really expected any immediate responses to it – thinking it would take time for people to find a two-hour-a-week Arabic broadcast on a European satellite that otherwise broadcast in Albanian and Romanian, but we did get calls and faxes!
Within minutes of the broadcast’s start, a call came into our Nicosia number. It was from a man in the Arabian Peninsula who was astonished at the programme presenter he had just seen. “What is this channel? I just saw a woman wearing a cross around her neck and speaking Arabic!” Here was someone who did not even know Arabic-speaking Christians existed!
When we started, we wondered if anyone would be willing to take the risk or go to the expense of making an international phone call to get in touch with us. Up to this point, none of the international radio ministries had offered a phone number to their audiences and instead relied on mail. In the coming days, we were astonished at the number of people who were willing and wanted to make international calls to speak to us.
The partners – especially those interested in programme production or audience relations – met immediately following the 31 May board meeting. We had workshops on each topic, trying to distribute responsibilities across the group. This was when our Swedish partner, TV-Inter, offered to get more involved in the children’s programming and our Paris-based partner, Life Agape, with the audience follow-up. In the coming months, a lot of new doors opened for us.
We were amazed to watch how SAT-7 actually being on-air changed people’s attitudes. People who, before, gave us words of encouragement but did little to try to help us, now wanted to be engaged, coming forward with offers of practical help. I had experienced the same thing twenty years earlier when I was involved in the launch of Huwa wa Hiya (“He and She”), a newsstand magazine for Arab youth. Once the magazine hit the newsstands, people saw that the vision was no longer an optimist’s dream of what could be but a God-given reality, and they wanted to be a part of it.
Now, people were flocking to us – clergy who were ready to write or present teaching programmes, Christian musicians, would-be producers, counsellors who wanted to offer their services to counsel our viewers, camera operators, technicians, and many more. But we were still in the early stages of growth and our infrastructure could not keep up. Typical of this challenge was when we hired a cameraman in Beirut before we even owned our first camera!