"I watched SAT-7 and came to know Christ."
Will you broadcast God's love this Easter?
This Easter, you can reach people who are not free to believe – and share God’s love through powerful, faith-filled television.
Please, will you help?
Shaheen's story
Can you imagine living in a place where it’s illegal to change your faith? Where choosing to follow Jesus means risking everything? Where you’re not free to believe…?
That’s the situation for Shaheen. He lives in Afghanistan, and was struggling to survive in a regime of strict laws and punishment. But Shaheen found a way to Jesus through SAT-7, and it changed his life.
“I was heartbroken by the lies and unrighteousness I saw around me,” he told us, “Why are people denied freedom of thought?”
Then Shaheen tuned in to SAT-7 TV. God’s love was made visible, right in the heart of his family home. He contacted our viewer support team to find out more. They shared the Gospel with Shaheen, and it touched his heart. He told us:
Jesus is my Saviour! I have a deep sense of peace. I am so happy, I am on the verge of tears.”
More people than ever
In many parts of the MENA, those who become believers face dire consequences if their new faith is discovered. But for Shaheen and thousands like him, knowing Jesus is worth the risk. In fact, more people than ever are reaching out to SAT-7!

Your support can set people free
this Easter...

Free to tune in to SAT-7 TV

Free to hear about God's love

Free to talk to someone

Free to believe in Jesus
Your support can set people free
this Easter...

Free to tune in to SAT-7 TV

Free to hear about God's love

Free to talk to someone

Free to believe in Jesus
People need freedom and hope. And Easter is a huge opportunity for the good news.
This Easter, will you help broadcast God's love across the Middle East?
can help our viewer support team connect with those who want to know more after a broadcast
can provide support materials to those who need them
can enable longer term support and discipleship