Thank you for your message of comfort
Thank you for your word of encouragement or a prayer for our teams reaching Türkiye and Syria. We’ll make sure to share your message with them this Easter season, as together we commit afresh to serve our risen Saviour and Lord, wherever we are and whatever situation we face.
Your support is enabling SAT-7 to bring much-needed comfort and encouragement into the heart of the family home through powerful, faith-filled television programmes and digital media.
Bahri from Türkiye said, “I love you very much because you have an honest and caring community. I’m starting to like Christianity and it is helping me see the truth. People in my home are hostile towards me because I watch your channel, but I don’t care.”
Because of your support and prayers, we can be there for viewers like Bahri – and many thousands more like him across the region.
If you would like to also make a donation, click the button below.