40 Days of Prayer resources
On this page, you'll find resources to accompany 40 Days of Prayer for the Middle East. The best way to use these resources is alongside your 40 Days of Prayer home group pack, which you can order for £12 (inc. P&P) here.
You don't need to have read the book to participate in the activities, but it will enrich your knowledge and understanding! To purchase the book (£6 including P&P), click here. It is also available below as a free e-book.
If you need any help finding the resources you need, please feel free to contact us at 01249 765865 or email respond@sat7uk.org.
40 Days of Prayer for the Middle East (e-book)
When we look at the Middle East and North Africa today, it can be hard to know how to pray. Yet these are the lands that fill the pages of our Bibles, where Jesus walked among us and the Church itself was born.
In 40 Days of Prayer for the Middle East, you’ll travel from Morocco in the west to Tajikistan in the east, meeting local believers and churches along the way. You’ll hear how God is at work through SAT-7, and discover the ancient and often unknown Christian heritage of the region.
Download your e-book for free here, or order your printed book for £6 (including P&P) here.
Printable Colour-in Map
Get your colouring pens or pencils out, and pray for the Middle East and North Africa while you colour in the countries!
These A4 maps can be used during the 40 Minutes of Prayer event, or in your own individual time of prayer and reflection. Simply download and print out as many as you need!
Study guide
This study guide accompanies 40 Days of Prayer for the Middle East, but it can be used on its own, even if you or your group haven’t read the whole book. Going deeper into the Scripture underlying our journey of prayer, we’ll find wisdom that has helped believers through the ages to persevere through the greatest of trials. We’ll find treasure for our own spiritual formation as well as direction for our prayers for Christians in the MENA.
The study guide includes five immersive Bible studies, instructions for hosting a '40 Minutes of Prayer' event, and a challenging quiz! View and download the PDF here, or request a free printed Study Guide booklet from the office by emailing respond@sat7uk.org or calling 01249 765865.
Do you know your Emirates from your Amorites? Our quiz will test your knowledge of the MENA's Christian history. Challenge yourself or bring your friends together for some friendly competition!
40 Minutes of Prayer event
Our “40 Minutes of Prayer” event can be run in a home group or in a church service. In around 40 minutes, you’ll go on a whistlestop virtual journey from Morocco in the west to Tajikistan in the east, hearing stories of how God is at work in people’s lives along the way, and spending time in prayer together.
If you haven't already, you'll need to order your free home group pack which includes the flashcards and instructions needed to run the event. The home group pack costs £12 (inc. P&P). Click here to order.
Below you'll find the event prayer videos, as well as a PowerPoint slides in case you want to run the event in a church service.

40 Minutes of Prayer Videos
Video 1: Prayers for North Africa
Video 2: Prayers for the Arab World
Video 3: Prayers for the Turkish & Persian Worlds
PowerPoint slides
To adapt the event for a church service, use these PowerPoint slides alongside the script from the flashcards, or download the PDF containing the script below. The event is split into three sections: North Africa; the Arab world; and the Turkish and Persian worlds. The PowerPoint slides go through each country in turn, showing them on a map. As you read out each country, show that country’s slide on the screen. At the end of each section, play the prayer video from that region, then invite the congregation to break into small groups to pray for 4-5 minutes.
Download the PowerPoint slides here. The videos (above) are embedded into this presentation.