Christian TV and media network SAT-7 is responding to the continuing nationwide protests and government crackdown in Iran by joining a global two-week campaign of prayer. From Friday 21 October, SAT-7’s Persian language channel, SAT-7 PARS has dedicated the first five minutes of every live programme to praying for Iran and its people.
Additional special broadcasts and social media prayer programmes are also uniting viewers in prayer across Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan and the Persian-speaking diaspora, says SAT-7 PARS Executive Director, Panayiotis Keenan.
“As a Persian language channel, we have a responsibility towards our viewers in Iran – Christians and non-Christians,” Keenan says. “Since the protests began, we have amplified the voices of our viewers and stood with them through our live programmes on satellite television and social media. We have sought to make the voices of people in Iran heard, even as internet blocks in the country were meant to silence them.
“This week we have joined the global prayer campaign alongside many other Iranian Christian ministries. Prayer has the power to unite people around the world and God has the power to change hearts. Throughout these two weeks we will be praying for the people in Iran, for the ongoing situation, for peaceful change in the country, and for Christians who are facing numerous challenges as they join the protests for human rights.”
Keenan explained that last Friday’s live Heavenly Worship programme was the first to take part. Fifteen- to 30-minute daily prayer spots at 6.30 pm (Iran time) are being held on Instagram. Signal, a weekly news and testimony show, will be dedicated to prayer, with different pastors and church members joining it.
“Although intermittent restrictions continue, our viewers now have more access to the internet and we are seeing increased engagement with them once again. Viewers are sending us many messages, thanking us for the daily devotions, Bible verses and songs of worship our Audience Relations Team sends them, as well as asking us to continue to pray for them.
“Over the years, we have seen how the Iranian people are open for change. Many have found hope and joy in Christ and isolated Christians have contacted us to say that we have become their church. With God’s help, we will continue to support our viewers through impactful programming and our dedicated Audience Relations teams.”
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About SAT-7: Founded in 1995 and broadcasting since 1996, SAT-7 is run by and for the Christians of the Middle East and North Africa and broadcasts Christian and educational programmes to viewers in Arabic, Persian and Turkish via its four 24/7 TV channels and digital platforms. Find out more at