Amid danger and poverty in Gaza, Ranya values SAT-7’s support and encouragement
Every year thousands of individuals call SAT-7 shows, or use text and social media, to seek prayer, ask questions or request advice. Some seek a fuller understanding of Christianity while others call because they feel bewildered by personal or family circumstances. Our Audience Relations Team offers prayer and advice to them.
One of SAT-7 ARABIC’s popular call-in shows is Signs and Wonders, presented by a pastor who responds to people’s questions live on air.
Ranya recently contacted us from Gaza. This crowded Palestinian territory received many casualties during the November 2012 Hamas-led conflict with Israel. A Unicef psychologist who interviewed over five hundred children in heavily affected areas of the city spoke of the conflict’s deep psychological impact on them.(1)
Ranya writes:
Thank you for your encouraging letter to me. I always want prayer for myself, my family, my home, for the sake of the work in our country, and for the sake of the situation in Gaza—especially for the children of Gaza, that God would protect them and bless them.
“I pray for those who are in official appointments, that God would give them wisdom and justice.”