Stories of God at work in Egypt
Thanks a lot for this wonderful programme. We pray for the Church, that God will protect it in these hard times. We expect showers of blessings in the coming days. We pray for the unity of the Church and for the families of the martyrs and the murderers as well. Jesus taught us that we should pray for those who persecute us. God bless you.”A male viewer of Revealer of Secrets in response to the Alexandria church attack in January 2011.
“I would like to express my great admiration for the programme ‘Open Book’. It is a very beneficial programme and it explains the Bible in a simple yet deep way. Thank you for helping us to study and understand it, and get to know the Lord in a deeper way. May the Lord bless you and keep you for His glory.” From a male viewer
“‘Alwan’ is a great programme that teaches us how to worship God. We love the songs and the stories. It’s an amazing programme.” From a mother in Egypt
“I am not a Christian but I am a regular viewer of SAT-7. I watch it because it is not offensive and it teaches the right behaviour and ethics. You are a true reflection of Christ’s teachings.” From a female viewer
“SAT-7 means a lot to me, it is a good companion. I enjoy watching its clean, excellent, and uplifting programmes – programmes free of the violence, troubling news and miserable scenes that are filling all other TV screens.” A woman from Egypt
“I love you so much, Mr Know [presenter of ‘Why is That?’]. You love Jesus with all your heart and I dream that one day I will be like you. I have a question: Why did God created the angel that turned out to be Satan when He knew what would happen? Thanks for your love and waiting for your answer.” From a 10 year old boy