29th March 2011
Rev. Dr. Mehrdad Fatehi is an Iranian theologian, pastor and regular SAT-7 PARS* presenter. Dr Fatehi shares what he sees God doing in Iran and why so many Iranians are open to the love of Christ.
Dr Fatehi was born in a small town in Iran and became a Christian in a dramatic way at the age of 10. As he grew in his faith he devoured theological books wherever he could find them and put his energies into supporting the Church in Iran. After the revolution in 1979 his family relocated to the UK where Mehrdad furthered his theological studies and trained as a Pastor. He is currently involved in many minisitries with Iranian believers across the world and is pioneering the provision of theological training in Farsi for Iranian pastors.
This interview was recorded after Dr Fatehi had hosted a live show for SAT-7 PARS themed on the relationship between God, humanity and creation and highlighting God’s desire to redeem all these relationships.
Listen to this interview.
*SAT-7 PARS is SAT-7’s Farsi language channel, reaching the 100 million people in the Iranian region.