Witnesses in the land

The Middle East is a region marked by conflict. Archbishop Youssef Soueif, the Maronite Archbishop of Tripoli in Lebanon, calls on the Middle Eastern Church – and all of us – to embrace the opportunity to be Christ’s peacemakers in a broken world:
Christianity was born in the Middle East, yet here we struggle and suffer from divisions, war and instability. In these difficult moments, as the Church in this region we are called to read the signs of the times, to understand that the undergoing challenges are an opportunity – a “kairos” moment – to show the grace of God.
Our presence as Christians in this region is a witness to the victory of life over death, of love over hatred, of peace over wars, of the human fraternity over enmity inside families and societies. Our presence is a call to be instruments of reconciliation and a motivation to regain the values of human dignity.
Let’s come back to listen to the voice of God, Father of all, who gave us the incarnated Word – the only-begotten Son who saved us by His cross, death and resurrection to renew us and grant us eternal life.
Let’s pray that churches experiencing lack of unity become one Church. As a Church, let’s be the first to take initiatives to reinforce dialogue for unity, to build peace in a world full of injustice.
Let’s ask the Lord to strengthen and guide us through acts of closeness and solidarity all over the world, so that our mission – starting from this region – can be efficient and transformative, bringing the saving love of God to every person.
- Pray that the churches in Lebanon and across the Middle East will bear witness to Christ by working together. Thank God that SAT-7 is displaying this unity on its TV channels.
- Pray that individual believers throughout the region will be peacemakers in their own homes, families and communities.