Teaching the way
Renowned Egyptian apologist and theologian Dr Maher Samuel shares his love for teaching on SAT-7, and his prayer for the Middle Eastern Church:
Throughout the past 25 years, SAT-7 has had a great role in teaching Christians about each other. We as evangelicals were unfamiliar to a large portion of Christian society in Egypt until SAT-7 began to broadcast. I have many wonderful memories of programmes over the years that teach people about God and what Christians believe. I currently host a programme called Ask Dr Maher, in which I answer viewers’ big spiritual and intellectual questions from a biblical perspective.
I attend Heliopolis Evangelical Church. One of my favourite Christmas celebrations in this church is reminding ourselves afresh about the birth of Christ and the difference it made with His birth. We await to hear this message every year to be encouraged. I also like the Christmas carols and songs that we sing each year, which are enjoyed by Christians and non-Christians alike.
I pray for the Church in Egypt and the Middle East to return to a life of Christian holiness, one that empowers us to carry around the presence of the Lord and the unique aroma of Christ in our societies. I also pray for the Church to stay focused on its mission of telling people about Jesus, for the sake of those who are in need of the Gospel.
God bless you and bless SAT-7.
- Join in Dr Maher’s prayer that the Church will carry the presence of God into Middle Eastern society.
- Praise God for teaching programmes on SAT-7, which help viewers learn more about the Bible and the different churches of the region.