The Seekers
The Seekers
The dream came twice in quick succession, so Behzad knew it was important. “I dreamt that a hand reached out to me and a voice that was warm and kind said, ‘Come to me my child.’”
Behzad was intrigued by the dream. He asked several religious teachers in his Afghan town what it could mean, but none of their answers convinced him.
“I forgot all about it until one day by accident, I came across SAT-7 PARS.” The presenter was quoting Jesus in Behzad’s own language, saying, “Come to me all you who labour”.
“I remembered my dream and suddenly knew its interpretation, which made me want to know more about Christianity,” Behzad told SAT-7.
“I called your number and left you a message and now I want to give my heart to Jesus Christ and become a child of the Lord.”
The SAT-7 team got in touch with Behzad to send him a Bible and pray with him. Now, they have arranged to be in touch to answer his questions.
Viewers across the MENA, particularly in the Persian-speaking world, are contacting SAT-7 with hearts full of questions about Jesus and the Christian faith.
- Let’s pray for these seekers, that as they search they will find all their longings fulfilled in Him.
Go Deeper
Read this week's 'Go Deeper' session, Answers from Jesus, where we discuss where to go when you have questions about your faith? Thousands of people in the MENA are turning to SAT-7 – and like Nicodemus, they want answers to some very big questions.
Go Deeper
Read this week's 'Go Deeper' session, Answers from Jesus, where we discuss where to go when you have questions about your faith? Thousands of people in the MENA are turning to SAT-7 – and like Nicodemus, they want answers to some very big questions.