Does persecution truly bring Church growth?
December 2012“The blood of martyrs is the seed of the Church,” wrote the second-century Church Father, Tertullian. From that time onward, the idea has persisted that churches – and individual Christians – grow most when the pressure is highest. But do they? Our writer says there is another side to this story and telling only one side risks harming those who […]
Algeria update: broadcasts build growing Church
November 2012In August Wazala reported on the remarkable increase of the Algerian church – thought to be the fastest growing church in the Arab world. Since then, there has been great progress in the TV broadcasts which Pastor Youssef, of the House of Hope Fellowship, mentioned. This week we heard that some 31 of the 52 church services in Arabic and […]
Life as a new Christian in the Middle East
October 2012Although there is a growing indigenous Church in the Middle East and North Africa, many of the region’s new Christians fail to continue in their faith. Experiences of isolation, opposition and feelings of alienation each play their part. Understanding and mitigating against these factors is vital to supporting and establishing these new believers as lifelong disciples. The emergence of an […]
Growing up in Baghdad…Bombs, Poverty and Faith
September 2011Lina Dawood is 18 and is from Iraq. She has grown up with the reality of the Iraqi war around her and has seen the devastation. Yet she still has faith. We were privileged enough to meet her and hear her story about growing up in Baghdad through the war and poverty. ‘When the fighting began, I didn’t understand what […]
Media Ministries are Vital to Christian Witness
January 2011Five reasons why indigenous media ministries are vital to Christian witness in the Middle East and why they deserve your increased support By Terence Ascott SAT-7 International CEO and the SAT-7 International Communications Manager Every Christian, wherever he or she may live today, can trace their spiritual roots to the Middle East, to a land where the church was birthed. […]
Who are the Copts?
April 0213The Coptic Orthodox Church traces its origins to the first century and is the largest single Christian community in the Middle East. Here His Grace Bishop Angaelos, the General Bishop of the Church in the United Kingdom, introduces us to the history, beliefs and current life of this important church. The Coptic Orthodox Church is one of the most ancient […]