Man from Nazareth who hated God finds faith
February 2024“I hate God and will do until the day I see Him.” By the end of last year, Fahad* from Nazareth had seen enough. His mind was made up: God was an evil being who “turns a blind eye to injustices and does nothing in response to people being crushed”. He was certain he could not be convinced otherwise. Content […]
Iraqi women’s stories of faith and strength in adversity
February 2024Women from Iraq have shared powerful stories of faith and strength in the face of adversity as part of two special SAT-7 documentaries that highlighted the resilience of the Church in a country blighted by conflict and instability. The stories reveal the impact of war and persecution on women in particular as they seek to care for their families, but […]
Dalir’s story: Growing faith in Afghanistan
January 2024Dalir* is a new Christian from Afghanistan living under the rule of the Taliban. “Beloved of the Lord, we would be grateful for any advice you can give us,” he told the SAT-7 PARS viewer support team. “We have only been in the family of believers for two years and I give thanks to our heavenly Father that He touched […]
Missing But Alive: Following a persecuted Saviour
November 2023By Aysha, a writer and film-maker from the Middle East, who was forced to leave her home country after she came to faith in Christ. She now lives in the UK, where she works with SAT-7 and other Christian networks on various communications projects. Jesus’ ministry was marked by persecution, culminating darkly in His crucifixion. On the morning of the […]
October 2023The presenters of SAT-7 PARS programme New Identity recently had the honour of interviewing Iranian believer Bita Rezaei, whose remarkable story of faith is challenging, inspiring, and heart-wrenching in equal measure. Bita’s story starts with a small seed. “The Lord planted [in me] the desire to serve in children’s centres and old people’s homes… Initially, I worked at a state-funded […]
Behind the Scenes: Faith under fire
August 2023Young presenter Christina Issa shares her story of growing up in war-torn Syria, and how watching SAT-7 KIDS brought “peace and security in the middle of fear”. “As a child growing up in the middle of war, life was full of uncertainty and fear.” Christina Issa’s upbringing – like many millions across the Middle East – was scarred by conflict. […]
Virtual Bible teaching for isolated believers
July 2023A new SAT-7 PARS initiative is gaining momentum among Persian believers in need of Bible-based support and encouragement. Bible teaching sessions hosted on Zoom, held weekly, are proving invaluable to individuals who struggle to find biblical community or discipleship elsewhere. I am really grateful for the excellent teaching sessions which have refreshed me and given me new strength,” said Afarin,* […]
Lives changed by Christ inside Lebanon’s largest prison
June 2023A massive iron gate slides aside. Beyond it, rows of grimy, barred windows tower above a grey courtyard. Old blankets drape as sunshields over some, drying clothes hang from others, and a lone hand waves from a grilled window. Above: In a clip from You Are Not Alone, Shafik tells presenter Sirene that growing in faith through a weekly meeting […]