In Morocco on a road less travelled
September 2016Rachid describes the long and surprising course of his journey to faith. I am Pastor Rachid from Morocco. I lead a Church here and serve Christ in several parts of the country through discipleship training, education, church planting and media. My journey to faith in Jesus Christ and service in Morocco has involved many twists and turns, but my life […]
Lean on me
August 2016Women in the Middle East and North Africa often face restrictions and negative attitudes, leaving them crying out for worth. Here, our Bethlehem blogger Grace describes the difference following Christ has made in giving her – and other women she knows – a secure identity and sense of purpose… Not far from where I live, beautiful golden sunlight splashes […]
Springtime by the beach, ski time in the mountains – March 2016
March 2016Contrary to popular belief, the Middle East is far more than sandy desert. Countries all across the Levant and North Africa have beautiful mountains and even snowy winters. Lebanon is one of the best Arab countries to visit during winter because of its unusual climate. The winters come with lots of rain and occasional storms that blanket Lebanon’s mountains – […]
The Pursuit of Freedom – February 2016
February 2016After 40 days of celebrating Christmas, the massive Christmas tree in Manger Square was taken down in the middle of January. The festival lingers longer here than in any other place, but the tree’s removal marked the fact that Christmas was now officially over in this little town. Bypassers looked on at the changing scene, no doubt reflecting on the […]
How Egypt celebrates Christmas – December 2015
December 2015“Out of Egypt I called my Son.” (Hosea 11:1) These verses are treasured by every Egyptian Christian. The Gospel of Matthew (2:13-15) tells how Hosea’s prophecy of Israel’s deliverance was fulfilled in a new way in the life of Jesus. The God who had rescued His people miraculously in the Exodus now snatched His Son from Herod’s snare when an […]
Learning to forgive – November 2015
November 2015An accidental faux pas sometimes teaches you a lot about a culture. On this occasion it was a warning from a Lebanese friend that saved me – a Lebanese American living in Beirut – from breaking convention. What crime against custom had I been about to commit? Simply, I was planning to wear my very Californian flip flops in public. […]
With the Christian exiles from ISIS – October 2015
October 2015Grace discovers faith, pain and a shared understanding when she meets Iraqi Christians sheltering in Jordan It is interesting how God often speaks to us, beautifully and inspirationally, when we least expect it. Returning last month from a short visit to the USA, I had to go through Jordan, as Palestinians are not allowed to travel through the Israeli airport. […]
Pride in Egypt’s miracle canal
August 2015Egypt Rejoices! That’s the English translation of the highest trending hashtag this past month in Egypt. On 6 August 2015, the New Suez Canal was opened with grand ceremony by President Al-Sisi. Billboards heralded the opening as “Egypt’s miracle and gift to the world” as Egypt’s head of state oversaw the opening from the deck of the El-Mahrousa – the […]