SAT-7 KIDS Website Wins Gold
September 2012Nearly two years of creative work on SAT-7 KIDS’ new website have been rewarded with one of the most prestigious media awards in the Arab world. SAT-7 KIDS’ delighted Broadcast and Audience Relations Manager Andrea Elmounayer said, “After almost two years of hard work on the new website design, I am gladly informing you that out of 450 registrations, our […]
A revolution of love
July 2012His struggle to please God brought Fouad* only striving and hatred for those less dedicated. Then he started to reassess everything he had believed in and Jesus broke through. Fouad, a SAT-7 viewer from Algeria, shares his dramatic journey from hate and striving to love and forgiveness. I am writing with love and respect. I am a member of a […]
Rita Elmounayer Reflects On An Emotional Trip To Iraq
June 2012Visiting Iraq has been on SAT-7’s agenda for more than three years. What pushed us to make the trip this year were the statistics that showed the number of children watching the KIDS channel and the popularity of the youth show ‘From Me to You’ which receives the majority of its calls from Iraq. Our plan was to present a […]
Ramez From Jordan
May 2012A Jordanian “convinced by the person of Jesus” “It may seem strange, but this is what I totally believe in,” wrote Ramez*, a Jordanian living in Saudi Arabia, as he related the seven-year journey that had brought him, much to his amazement, to become a follower of Jesus. Ramez began writing to SAT-7’s audience relations team in the autumn of […]
Nawal From Egypt
Nawal is unable to attend church but SAT-7 programmes allow her to enjoy vibrant worship, prayer and teaching Nawal* is one of thousands of women in the Middle East who do not have the freedom to attend a church for many different reasons. But SAT-7’s range of live worship services from a variety of Christ-centred churches help to keep their […]
What's behind the conflict in Syria?
November 2011At the time of writing, the situation in Syria is rapidly changing. On the 2nd November it was announced that the Syrian government agreed to stop all violence against protestors. However, there are new reports that there has been more conflict in the city of Homs. Colin Chapman has worked in the Middle East, for nearly twenty years and is […]
Growing up in Baghdad…Bombs, Poverty and Faith
September 2011Lina Dawood is 18 and is from Iraq. She has grown up with the reality of the Iraqi war around her and has seen the devastation. Yet she still has faith. We were privileged enough to meet her and hear her story about growing up in Baghdad through the war and poverty. ‘When the fighting began, I didn’t understand what […]
Against all the Odds… How God is Transforming Turkey
August 201119th August 2011 Esin* (name changed for security) is a professional Turkish woman working in the media. She is also a passionate Christian who has a heart to see the Turkish church grow according to God’s grace. In a recent conversation with her she talked about what God is doing with the small but growing Turkish Church. Lying at the […]