Spotlight on 2017
2017 included some key highlights for SAT-7, including the launch of a new channel, a milestone birthday for SAT-7 KIDS, a wealth of new programmes, and a surge in viewers in Afghanistan thanks to a second satellite platform. Keep scrolling to find out more about our highlights, audience statistics and engagement, or click below to read our full annual report.

SAT-7'S highlights of 2017

SAT-7 PARS launches on Yahsat
The launch of SAT-7’s Persian television channel on a second satellite has seen the overall number of viewers contacting the channel double within its first year, including a surge in responses from Afghans. Read more
Launch of new channel
More than 13 million children across the Middle East are out of school due to conflict. New channel SAT-7 ACADEMY was launched to help address the educational and social developmental needs of the region. Read more

Pentecost Video gets 100,000 views
SAT‑7 TÜRK’s Facebook post of a video about the meaning of Pentecost receives 100,000 views, the largest number of views received on social media so far for the channel.
SAT-7 KIDS turns 10
In December, children's channel SAT-7 KIDS celebrated ten years on the air! The channel is now watched by at least 4.6 million Arabic-speaking children. Read more

CHILD Centre opens
The Cultural Heritage and Interactive Learning Development (CHILD) Centre opened as an assessment centre for SAT-7 ACADEMY's programmes. Read more
First Tajik dialect show
SAT-7 PARS produced Our Salvation is in Him - the first SAT-7 programme in the Tajik dialect. Read more

SAT-7's audience in 2017...

25 million viewers
Across five satellite TV channels

37 million
Facebook views

28 million
Youtube views

Total app
I have been a regular viewer for 15 years. Thank you for sharing God's love with those whose circumstances don't allow them to have any internet, and TV is their only available source. Please keep me in your prayers."
Adham, Oman
Audience engagement in 2017
What is Audience engagement?
Audience engagement in SAT-7 is one or more interactions between our viewers and our Audience Relations team, through phone calls, text messages and social media platforms, covering one question or topic.
These are just some of our highlights from 2017! Click below to read the full report.