By broadcasting faith-filled programmes into people’s homes, SAT-7 can take the Gospel to places it has never been before. But God has His own ways of communicating with people – He is able to speak through dreams and visions! SAT-7 regularly hears from viewers in the MENA who have had a dream or vision of Jesus, and we can help them grow in their faith and understanding: firstly by listening to their testimonies; secondly by amplifying them with other viewers’ stories; and thirdly by helping to interpret them.
Houshyar from Iran shared with us: “I was concerned about a problem… And that night I saw Jesus Christ in a dream. He came alongside me in my sleep and said, ‘Don’t be anxious, good days are ahead of you.’ I replied, ‘And who are you?’ He showed me His hands and I saw the nail marks and immediately knew Him. I said, ‘You are Jesus Christ.’ He smiled, said, ‘Yes’, and kissed my forehead. “He said, ‘Don’t be surprised, because I know whenever you watch a programme that shows the crucifixion you close your eyes and weep – that is enough for me, and there are good days ahead.’ I was shocked by my dream and I am very happy.”
I was shocked by my dream and I am very happy.”
Mehrbano from Iran shared her story: “As a result of seeing Jesus in a dream about seven or eight years ago, I got myself a Bible and began to study it.” But she struggled to understand the teaching at her church, and her faith was stagnating. Until, she continued, “I was off work three weeks ago and coincidentally watched Signal.” Signal is a SAT-7 PARS show that aims to connect believers to each other by sharing their testimonies.
“I thirst for meeting the Lord in the way that many dear people have experienced meeting with Him,” Mehrbano said. Hearing other people’s stories on the programme, and connecting them to her own, has strengthened her faith. “Although in a way I met the Lord seven or eight years ago, I didn’t really recognise Him,” she said. “But today I want to give my heart to Christ and truly experience living with Him. I am ready today to give my heart and my life to Him.”
Afsoon, an Iranian woman in her late twenties, has a remarkable story. Her sister had an incurable disease and, without knowing why, they decided to pray and ask Jesus for help. That night she dreamt she was walking with Jesus, and both were carrying a cross. Then they reached a place where Jesus said that her sister had been healed, and she must continue and carry her cross. Then Afsoon saw Jesus was crucified. She said, “I was a witness to it and I will never forget the love in the face of Jesus as He was bleeding.”
“I will never forget the love in the face of Jesus as He was bleeding.”
Soon after, Afsoon’s sister was miraculously healed from her illness! But Afsoon did not understand the dream fully. SAT-7’s viewer support team explored the meaning of the dream with her and explained how God works all things together for the good of those who love Him. Afsoon said that she felt something heavy lift off her, and peace come in its place. With continued guidance and support from SAT-7, Afsoon is now excited to follow Jesus. Thank God for dreams!