An Iranian drug dealer transformed through Christ
August 2011An Iranian viewer named Reza began calling the Iranian SAT-7 counselling centre. He described himself as a drug dealer, thief and gangster. He said that one night while he was flicking through the TV channels he accidentally came across SAT-7 PARS, and it made him think. The show he was watching was called Noor-e Omeid (“Light of Hope”). It’s a […]
Stories of God at work in Egypt
March 2011Thanks a lot for this wonderful programme. We pray for the Church, that God will protect it in these hard times. We expect showers of blessings in the coming days. We pray for the unity of the Church and for the families of the martyrs and the murderers as well. Jesus taught us that we should pray for those who […]
Stories of Iranian lives changed
A SAT-7 viewer living in a village in Fars province called to thank SAT-7 for their programmes and asked them to send him a Bible. When the telephone counsellor explained that he can download it from the internet, he replied: “We are villagers and have no idea about the internet. If you send me the Bible, I am happy to […]