Andrew in Syria
February 2016“We deleted one channel after another until we only had one channel: SAT-7 KIDS – where your kids are safe!” In a moving letter to Rita Elmounayer, Executive Director for SAT-7’s Arabic channels and presenter of many programmes on SAT-7 KIDS, a Syrian father describes what SAT-7 KIDS means to his son, Andrew. “Medically my wife and I could not […]
Fares From Egypt
Train up a child in the way he should go Fady and his wife Marian are so enthusiastic about the SAT-7 KIDS channel, they drove into Cairo from their home in Tanta, 100 km away, to tell us about it. The couple introduced SAT-7 KIDS to their two-and-a-half-year-old son, Fares when he was just 18 months old. Since then Fares […]
Sara From Iran
Two-and-a-half-year-old Sara* entered the world in an Iranian prison. Her mother is still being held there because of her drug addiction. Thankfully Sara is now being cared for by loving, Christian adoptive parents. Her new father wrote to share how SAT-7 programmes are bringing joy to Sara, and to request prayer as he and his wife seek to bring Sara […]
Kivanҫ From Turkey
After his father died, teenager Kivanҫ tried to bury his pain and questions in drinking, smoking and partying. While his mother experienced God’s strength helping her, Kivanҫ felt weighed down by his burdens and those of his friends. Then, through his mother’s prayers and witness, Kivanҫ learnt that that “Jesus has been already the carrier of all burdens and troubles”. […]
Mother From Turkey
There just isn’t anything like this on any of the other channels we can get here. The programmes provide such a wonderful opportunity for me to explain to my children what we believe as Christians in ways they understand. Living in a strongly Muslim country as we do, it really is a precious thing to me to have this channel.” […]
Murat From Turkey
‘Words of Hope’ is a short devotional programme broadcast on SAT-7 TÜRK. After watching the programme Murat emailed SAT-7 to say: Last night I watched the ‘Words of Hope’ programme. What the host read from the Bible really affected me. My system of belief—the way I’ve been burdened all my life with living under punishment because of how religion was […]
Sam From Iran
Former athlete Sam turned to drugs to numb the emptiness he felt. Until Bible quotes given to him during rehab set his life on a completely new course. Sam is a 33-year-old man living with his wife and young daughter in Iran. In his adolescent years and through most of his 20s he was an athlete and quite successful. He […]
Ravi From Iran
A life-changing cab ride In an unusual series of events, the Lord has used SAT-7, a dream, and a cab ride to guide one man to a church in his hometown. Like millions across the globe, Ravi* was spending the evening at home in Iran watching satellite TV. He came across SAT-7 PARS while channel surfing. The programme talked about […]